Tuesday, January 9, 2007

1/9/07: New Year's Resolution

So how many of you made New Year's resolutions this year? It's January 9th now, how's that going for you? Send me a message and let me know!

It's been said that New Year's resolutions "go in one year and out the other". Sad but usually true. I try to resolve to change things throughout the year; Bro. Mike says we shouldn't wait till a new year to change things that need to be changed. However, one thing in particular this year I consciously decided to put off...well, truth be told, it's a "resolution" that I made back in the summer that sort of fizzled out, so I'm jump starting it now.

My resolution is to get healthier. Exercise more, eat less, etc. etc. Now, through the holidays is NOT a good time for me to start this sort of thing. I mean, how can one resist the temptation to overeat a bit when people are constantly inviting you over to partake of delicious home-cooked goodies? I mean, it's part of what the holidays are all about, right? Back in the summer, I had lost about 15 pounds, but I assure you that I found it all again by year's end. So now it's time to get serious!

You see, I went to the doctor for a check-up back in early June and he did a blood test to check my cholesterol level. They say that they like it to be below 180 these days, and mine was 210! (I'm ashamed to admit it, but 2 or 3 years ago I got it checked for the first time and it was even higher, like 246 or something.) The doc actually wrote me a scrip for cholesterol meds. Call me stubborn, but I refused to get it filled. I am 28 years old (for a couple more weeks anyway) and if I start on this type of drug now, I'll likely be on it for the rest of my life. I should be able to control it without medication, surely.

Now, I'm not morbidly obese, so apparently this is a genetic thing. (Thanks, Dad.) My pop is a registered nurse, and he advised me that getting rid of any extra fat is the single best thing you can do to lower cholesterol levels. He even plugged in my info into a computer program and came up with an ideal body weight of 138 pounds. Let me say that again: 138 POUNDS! That sounds crazy to me! I haven't weighed that since I was in junior high! I think I would have to be skin and bones with no muscle OR fat to get down to that!

So, realistically speaking, I am shooting for about 150. I started out the year at about 178, but I've already lost like 5 lbs, so I've got about 23 more to go. Here's what I'm doing...it's revolutionary...don't tell anyone my secret...I'm eating less. I'm also exercising a bit...push-ups and situps in the morning and evening most days. As it gets a bit warmer, I'm planning to add regular walking and biking to my weekly exercise plan.

Now, once I get down to 150 lbs., I'm planning to go back to the doctor and get that cholesterol checked again. I was supposed to go back in September or October, but I knew it wouldn't be any better and I still wasn't going to take the meds, so I figured "why waste the money?".
So, why am I blogging about this for everyone to read? If I fall off the wagon and gain 30 lbs, everyone will know that I blew it...


I NEED YOUR HELP. Check up with me every week or two and see how it's going. Remind me that I am doomed to a lifetime of medication if I don't get off my tail and stay healthy. It will be particularly difficult for me to maintain a healthy lifestyle when I'm starting back to school and everything. So, keep in touch and keep me accountable! I need drill sergeants to scream at me: "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING WITH THAT DOUBLE CHEESEBURGER, SOLDIER?! DROP AND GIVE ME 20!!!"

Thanks for any help you can offer!

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